blogUncategorized Ticks In The Media: INSIDER – What To Do If You’re Bitten By A Tick This week, INSIDER featured a write-up on how to handle a tick bite this season.…Larissa CavanaghNovember 10, 2017
blog The TickSafe Difference #3 What Is The TickSafe Difference? TickSafe Australia is Sydney’s leading tick management service, and there…Larissa CavanaghNovember 10, 2017
Uncategorized Ticks In The News: Northern Star – Ticks Are A Threat To Koalas Image source: Friends of Koalas, Li Alison Patterson of Northern Star has detailed the effects…Larissa CavanaghOctober 17, 2017
blog Science Daily: Ticks Are Even Tougher Than We Thought This month, Science Daily has reported on new insights from the University of Cincinnati, sharing…Larissa CavanaghOctober 10, 2017
Uncategorized Ticks In The Media: Manly Daily Reports on Ticks in Warm Weather Image source: Manly Daily/Daily Telegraph Julie Cross of Manly Daily has recently discussed the effects…Larissa CavanaghOctober 3, 2017
Uncategorized TickSafe News Spotlight: The Guardian – What Should You Do If You’re Bitten? Image Source: The Guardian UK/James Gathany/AP The Guardian UK has recently detailed a guide to…Larissa CavanaghAugust 24, 2017
Uncategorized TickSafe Spotlight News: The Guardian – How Afraid Should You Be? Image Source: The Guardian/Alamy The Guardian has recently released a feature on ticks and Lyme…Larissa CavanaghAugust 24, 2017
Uncategorized TickSafe Spotlight: Tips For Attracting Wildlife To Your Garden TickSafe Australia director Aaron Wagner has featured on commenting on keeping your garden safe…Larissa CavanaghAugust 21, 2017
Uncategorized Harvard Health: Changes In Tick Borne-Illness Harvard Health recently published their new summary on changes in tick-borne illnesses and how they…Larissa CavanaghAugust 15, 2017
Uncategorized New York Times: Ticks Spreading Diseases Farther The New York Times recently detailed the increase in tick populations across the US, with…Larissa CavanaghAugust 15, 2017