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This week, INSIDER featured a write-up on how to handle a tick bite this season. Caroline Praderio of INSIDER discussed the steps to follow should you suffer a tick bite, noting that it’s important not to panic, to remove the tick safely and to monitor the bite location following.

Praderio notes:

“And while the summer is over, tick season is still in full swing. Ticks can stay active until temperatures drop below about 40 degrees, which means that you need to be just as vigilant this fall.

Not every bite leads to an infection, but it still pays to be vigilant about prevention and checking yourself for ticks: Cases of tick-borne diseases can be easily treated, but some can also lead to serious, life-threatening complications.”

To read the full article, click the link here

To learn more about how to properly treat a tick bite and what services we can provide your home, garden & family to keep you tick-free this season, visit or call 1300 842 572.

TickSafe & The Mozzie Team